Season 1 • Episode 111

Low Ticket vs. High Ticket: The Marketing Truths You Haven’t Learned Yet

Selling programs and services online has completely changed. Low ticket offers like $27 ebooks are dead.

There’s BIG money and IMPACT to be had selling high-ticket offers. At Clients On Demand we’re doing over $1million per month consistently.

But there’s a huge difference between marketing and selling something low-ticket vs. a high-ticket offer.

What you don’t know CAN hurt you.

I had to un-learn so many things I had been doing with low ticket when I made the switch, like…

  • What’s the difference between someone who buys a $27 ebook and a $5K program…
  • What do clients really want?
  • How do you sell it to them? 

If you want to know the KEY to enrolling someone into a $5,000 to $15,000 program in one conversation… 

Listen now.

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Season 1 • Episode 111 Low Ticket vs. High Ticket: The Marketing Truths You Havent Learned Yet
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